
WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/29) Punk/Ziggler, Triple Threat Cage Match, Surprise Entrants, Who W

Kane gets another near fall and puts Cena back in a headlock, but Cena breaks the hold and kicks Kane in the stomach so Kane kicks him and hits a corner clothesline. Kane backs up and runs at him but Cena takes him down with a drop toe hold and goes for a bulldog but Kane throws him across the ring. Cena runs back in and gets clotheslined, then Kane tries to suffocate him and Cena blocks it then counters it into the STF. Kane throws him back and hits a sidewalk slam, then gets up and goes to the top rope and drops Cena with a diving clothesline. He calls for a chokeslam but Cena ducks it and hits some shoulderblocks and a side slam, then calls for a Five Knuckle Shuffle but Kane grabs him by the throat when he does ‘You Can’t See Me.’

Kane throws him in the corner and uppercuts him, then takes him to the top turnbuckle for a superplex, but Cena knocks him down and does the ‘You Can’t See Me’ taunt. He hits a top rope Five Knuckle Shuffle then goes for an AA, but Kane counters then throws Cena outside and slams him into the side of the ring. Kane hits him near the entrance and throws him in the barricade, and the ref calls for a double count out but they continue to fight. Cena throws a speaker at him then they fight near the left side of the stage before heading backstage, and Kane throws him into an equipment trunk. Cena throws him into a bunch of trash cans, but Kane grabs a chair and hits Cena in the ribs and back with it a few times.

Kane hits him in the head a final time and sees Zack Ryder’s dressing room and he tries to get in but the door is locked so he kicks it in. Zack tries to kick him away but Kane hits him and knocks him out then wheels him out to the arena and throws him on the ground in front of the ring. Kane picks him up and throws him into the ring, then kicks him and tries taking off Zack’s back brace but Eve runs out and begs him to stop. Kane ignores her and picks Zack up and hits a Tombstone, then he turns towards Eve as Cena runs out to make the save, but Kane just chokeslams him and leaves the ring. Eve and some referees check on Zack then a group of EMT’s strap him onto a backboard and take him to the hospital as Cena watches while the fans chant ‘Cena Sucks.’

Result – Double Countout


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-27