
How to cook a Shiny Fire Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet bring many new changes to the traditional formula from Game Freak's JRPG series. These titles have a massive world to explore and a multi-faceted narrative. As part of the ability to craft food, these games allow one to pile on ingredients and create various sandwich delicacies that offer different buffs when exploring.

Making a Shiny Fire Sandwich increases the odds of encountering Fire-type Shiny Pokemon. This guide covers how to craft it in the game.

How to cook sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Shiny Skeledirge in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via TPC)

The first step is knowing how to begin the procedure. To cook a sandwich, players first need to set up a picnic spot that can be placed anywhere in the open world of Paldea. Several ingredients can be piled up on bread; these range from tomatoes, eggs, avocados, bacon, and lettuce to curry powder, jam, wasabi, mayonnaise, and ketchup.

To add the elements, simply drag and drop them on the bread, and players are free to experiment with any ingredient they like. Keep in mind that all sandwiches won't be great, which means messing up is a possibility.

Steps to make a Fire Shiny Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via TPC)

In these minigames, trying variations in combinations will result in different types of sandwiches. Depending upon the kind of ingredients used, each combination will grant distinct perks. The combination for the Fire Shiny Sandwich is

  • Red Bell Pepper or Basil (three pieces)
  • Salty Herba Mystica
  • Spicy Herba Mystica, Sour Herba Mystica, or Sweet Herba Mystica

Depending on what they have, players can use either Basil or Red Bell Pepper. This choice is valid for any single pick between the Sour, Sweet, and Spicy varieties of Herba Mystica.

Red Bell Pepper and Basil can be purchased from the Aquiesta Supermarket or Deli Cioso. Meanwhile, Herba Mystica, is a special herb that is rewarded to players for completing five and six-star Tera Raids. These are tough encounters against Terastalized Pokemon that can spawn around the world map.

Consuming this sandwich offers these boosts.

  • Sparkling Power - Fire Level three
  • Title Power - Fire Level three
  • Encounter Power - Fire Level three

Sparkling Power is a buff that increases the shiny spawn rate. A Shiny Pokemon is an alternately colored version of a typical monster, which is true of all creatures in the game. Besides their odd color, they can easily be identified with the starry animation when encountered. Since monsters roam around in the overworld in Scarlet and Violet, it is easy to keep track of them.

Title Power is a special title that a Pokemon's name can have, ensuring greater chances of encountering monsters with a Mark. Finally, Encounter Power makes it easier to encounter critters of a particular type.

Since all three boosts are anointed with Fire, this sandwich is great for going shiny hunting for Fire-types like Arcanine and Volcarona. Scarlet and Violet are the latest titles in the long-running series developed by Game Freak and published by The Pokemon Company, offering an open-world turn-based action-RPG experience and available only on the Nintendo Switch.

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Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-08-24