
Thomas is just using Paris? - The Bold and the Beautiful

Nope he is calling Hopes bluff that she doesn’t in fact want a future with him because spoilers for next week show he was proving a point to Hope and is planning his wedding with Paris


Yeah, I would tend to agree with that. Thomas didn’t even sound particularly romantic when he proposed a third time—he sounded like he was trying to challenge her to admit nothing had changed. From the look on her face, I’d say he was right, too.

Hope doesn’t want a future with Thomas, at least not the kind of future Thomas wants. She just wants him in her bed and in her design room, putting her name on his work. And maybe playing happy family of four with her and Douglas and Beth when she feels like it. She wants a relationship with Thomas on her terms only, and he mistakenly thought that would eventually change. But he doesn’t want that anymore. It appeared to me that he was setting her up so that if she turned him down again, she could no longer blame anyone but herself that their relationship was over—not Paris or Steffy or even Thomas himself—and other than maybe Brooke and Donna, no one is going to feel much sorry for her that she’s not getting what she wants.


So glad to hear that cause I was ready to fly off the handle at reading he proposed to her a third time!!


This guy is a total loser! Hope needs to kick him to the curb. Get a restraining order. I’m not a Hope fan, but he made his choice now just leave her alone. Disgusting!


What grounds would she have for a restraining order? He hasn’t threatened her. He hasn’t insisted on staying when she’s asked him to leave. And she has insisted on telling him, repeatedly, that he needs to come back to the exact arrangement that they had before because that’s what she wants. He keeps telling her that’s not going to happen, and she keeps presenting the same arguments over and over again as to why it should. She’s showing absolutely no fear of him or even irritation with him when she crosses paths with him. In fact, she all but throws herself at him every time, and she initiates contact with him, too. No court would ever grant her a restraining order. Instead, they would ask her questions like why she showed up at a party she knew he would be at and why she went looking for him to have a private discussion at the same party.


I was just about to say the same thing about Hope. Maybe Thomas needs to get a restraining order. She won’t leave him alone!!! Hope is the one that keeps pursuing him. What a loser!


After making his decision to marry Paris why is he asking Hope to marry him again. He’s real piece of work.


What a phony! Making excuses on how and where when the wedding will be. Why is he waiting around and not going with Paris to the pool? He’s such a jerk. Playing mind games. She’s a fool. She needs to stay away from the loser.


Thomas wants a relationship with Hope on his terms only as well. Married.
Marry me or I’ll marry the next woman I see.


I can’t believe everyone don’t see this. Next week Hope will have to show her cards. No turning back, no more playing victim. They want two different things.


If he is why. I can’t see Thomas and Hope being together. I just don’t see it. He was waaay to obsessed with her for my taste.


Maybe he will leave her alone we she leaves him alone. She is the one who sought out him and again tried to break up his engagement. Hope is nobody’s victim.


Paris gets dumped once again. I don’t like it.


He is not, he is showing Hope what she really feels. She does not want a commitment to him, with him. After she say no, no one can blame Thomas, Steffy or Paris. Hope will have what she wants, what she will say she don’t want. Thomas is acting very mature to let her see for herself.


Hope went looking for Thomas. He had every right to not go straight to the pool. He can linger in his family home wherever he wants, except private bedrooms. Eric would agree.


I have always said that Hope has the right to want the kind of relationship she wants and that she should turn down Thomas’ proposals if she doesn’t feel marrying him is right for her or that, perhaps, she just doesn’t feel marrying anyone is right for her. Similarly, Thomas has the right to want more of a commitment than Hope is willing to give him and to move on from her if she can’t give him any kind of answer regarding whether she thinks she will ever be able to make that kind of commitment to him. The problem isn’t how they feel about each other. It’s about what kind of lives they want moving forward, and it appears they want very different kind of lives.


Thomas wants a committed relationship. He has made that clear. He has just as much right as Hope has to find what they want. Next week we will see why Thomas had to move on. If he wants a family with Paris, he deserves to have that.


I think he assumes that the only way he can get her to realize that they really don’t want the same thing is to get her to say it herself. If she turns him down again—and she didn’t look overjoyed he was proposing again—then it should be clear to her that they just don’t want the same life. And I think he was pretty sure she would say no again or he wouldn’t have asked, though if she did say yes, he could always withdraw the proposal, pointing out that he has now moved on. Would that be painful for Hope? Maybe. But perhaps that would also help her to understand how painful it was for him when she kept turning him down and she’ll have a better idea of why he couldn’t do that to himself or Douglas anymore.



This guy is a total loser! Hope needs to kick him to the curb. Get a restraining order. I’m not a Hope fan, but he made his choice now just leave her alone. Disgusting!

Hope is the one begging for him to come back for more of the same from her. The proposal was too matter of fact and emotionless to seem real and the spoilers said he was going to try to prove a point. We shall see what happens, but my opinion is that he is trying to get her tiny pea brain to understand that their issue is not lack of love, but it is bigger than that. It’s their differing goals, as well as her pride, selfishness, and ego. It’s also his impatience to build something tangible, and the importance he places on wanting a family. Nothing has changed from the reason he had to leave, accept that he has given up on her.

She needs to move on. I am not sure that a restraining order against him would solve the problem since she is the one that keeps coming on to him. At the moment, Thomas is not the issue.



Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-08-26